Writing Memoir: A Spa for Your Soul
Writing Memoir: A Spa for Your Soul
May 19, 2024 10:45 AM 12:00 PM Room 134
This workshop will focus on the therapeutic benefits of writing about your life and lead you to discover five key elements of your memoir. Each of the five sections includes an activity that will engage you in mini-writing activities, help you make decisions about your memoir, and jumpstart your memoir writing process.
- Choose the Ambience – The ‘Why’ of your memoir
- Choose the Aroma – Theme or message
- Choose the Focus Areas – Where to begin, where to end
- Choose the Pressure Points – What to Include, what to leave out
- Choose the Impact – The potential of your memoir and Target Audience
If time allows, there will also be a Q & A at the end of this session, so come prepared to ask about any aspect of memoir writing.