Membership Benefits

Join the Shuswap Association of Writers today and receive registration discounts at SAW sponsored events, advance notice of regional events, and invites to local author book launches and other events! You will be asked for your membership number to receive member discounts at events. Pay for your membership online by etranster to [email protected] or as outlined on the membership form.

Membership guidelines

  • membership fee is $30/year
  • membership runs from September 1st to August 31st of any given year
  • dues may be paid at the AGM in the fall, prior to the meeting (for voting purposes)
  • dues can also be paid in person at SAW events to the membership director, or by mail to SAW (see the membership form.)
  • cards will be issued at the AGM or mailed when necessary.
  • a member must be in good standing (membership paid in full) to participate in voting at the AGM
  • dues must be paid in advance to get any discount for the Word on the Lake Festival
  • deadline date of February 28th for Festival Discount – no exceptions
  • memberships taken out during the year, post-Sept 30th, entitle members to discounts and communication of events
  • no reduction of dues for late membership
  • any membership purchased 30 days prior to SAW’s year-end will be applied to the following year.

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