Anna Comfort O’Keeffe

Publisher at Douglas & McIntyre

Anna Comfort O’Keeffe came to the position of publisher at Douglas & McIntyre with nearly twenty years’ experience in the publishing industry.

After graduating from UBC in 2000 with a degree in philosophy, she started working as a freelance editor while earning a diploma in Publishing Techniques and Technologies from Langara College, then studied publishing in Simon Fraser University’s Summer Fiction Intensive and Master of Publishing programs. In 2005 she started as a production assistant at Harbour, and rapidly rose to Production Manager then Managing Editor, overseeing the editing and design of forty titles per year. In 2020, she assumed the role of Publisher of Douglas & McIntyre, directing the development of Douglas and McIntyre’s national publishing program.

Even though she works on books all day, and sometimes all night, she still wishes she had more time to read.

2022 Festival Sessions
