Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a festival rate for accommodation at the Prestige?

  • Yes, they keep a limited number of rooms for a limited time. Check the Festival’s Home page Reservations must be made by phone and you must state you are coming to the Word on the Lake Writers’ Festival. Book EARLY.

Does The Prestige Hotel accept dogs?

  • Yes, at a price! It was $40 per night.

Can we pay by cheque?

  • Yes, Payable to Shuswap Association of Writers

Can we pay by Direct deposit e-transfer?

Can we register for single workshops?

  • No.

Do we need to preselect our workshops?

  • No.

Why is the festival held at 2 locations?

  • The simple answer is we get a much bigger bang for our buck! $$$$$
    The Prestige is, of course, expensive and we can not afford to be there for Friday, Saturday & Sunday. The registration fees would be scary. The Presenters have to stay for at least 2 nights, giving us only 1 day for workshops etc. When Okanagan College offered us their campus for Sunday free of charge it was a no brainer. It allows us an extra day, Sunday, to offer twice the number of workshops at no extra cost for you, or us.

Why not hold the whole festival at the College?

  • Several reasons. The campus is not available any other day but Sunday. There is no facility for catering lunches/ dinners (we would have to hire an outside caterer) there is no space large enough to seat everyone for meals/ hold the Writing Contest Awards / have Saturday Night Entertainment.

Is there another location in town where could you could hold the festival?

  • No. We have looked everywhere, unfortunately, there was nothing that worked.

Do you apply for Grants?

  • Absolutely we do. Without them we would not be able to put on the festival. We have no paid staff; everyone is a volunteer. They donate hundreds of hours per year worth thousands of $$. In reality each one of them is beyond any price! They are an amazing team to work with. Without them we would not be able to put on the festival.

How are our registration fees used?

    • Presenters’ costs – accommodation, travel, meals, honorariums, photocopying.
    • Prestige Meeting rooms (5), lobby space for book sales, registration etc. Equipment-stage, tech. mikes, projectors etc. Lunches. Refreshments @ Café Lit, Coffee/ Tea breaks during Saturday.
    • Prestige Event fees=Gratuities Taxes GST PST, Municipal Hotel Room tax.
    • Square fee, if items paid for by credit/debit/cash on site
    • Promotion of the Festival-website/ print materials
    • Zeffy, our registration system, offers a donation drop down menu on check out. The donation goes to Zeffy to offset their costs for non-profit organisations like SAW, not to the festival.