Does This Question Sound Rhetorical? (Don’t Answer That)

The unstoppable proliferation of unavoidable online platforms seems to impel always greater numbers of people to share both opinions and personal details for all and sundry to read. Despite this, fewer and fewer seem to share either their deepest convictions or deepest secrets with wit, clarity, or integrity; some of our most enduring prose forms have been shattered into pieces the size of Twitter posts, Instagram captions, and Facebook statuses.

BC Bestselling essayist Charles Demers has written review, commentary, and memoir for Vancouver Magazine, The Tyee, Outdoor Canada, and two book-length essay collections, The Horrors (2015) and Vancouver Special (2009), a finalist for the Hubert Evans BC Book prize for Non-Fiction. In this intensive workshop, we’ll explore the essay as a form worth preserving, and a creative vehicle perfect for expressing a writer’s experiences, opinions, questions, and style.


